Chairman's Message

About School
Our aim is to educate and inspire today’s children to be responsible, productive and ethical world citizens. The educational initiative revolves around our children growing up in harmony with the world around them and becoming ‘World Citizens‘.
From the Chairman Desk
Welcome to GD MATRIC. HR. SEC. SCHOOL, a learning community dedicated to our mission of educating and modeling our students to excellence. We want every student to achieve their dreams and become passionate learners prepared to adapt and contribute to the rapidly changing world.
The GD MATRIC. HR. SEC. SCHOOL started in 2016 is a dynamic and exciting place. Although the facilities are superb and represent one of the finest in India, it’s our staff’s commitment to our mission and our Core Values (Compassion, Excellence, Integrity, Respect and Responsibility) that serve as the foundation for the transformational experience of our students. Giving kids of all ages voice and choice in their education providing deeper learning opportunities and long-term connections to the world around them. Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort. Personal and social development of a young person is possible with due emphasis in Study, Service, Skill and Sport. Our motto is to have a close and enduring relationship between students and teachers and embracing a partnership with you as parents. We welcome you as our new family and looking forward to forge a strong and lasting relationship helping in support your children on their life-journey.